Santo Domingo Square 1912

Santo Domingo  Square 1912

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The first half of the course ended

I  am really exciting with themes and material I found and discovered in the last five weeks: I realize I made some mistakes about  evaluation. I have to grade the activities with  " Numbers"  this  way of grading  is not useful   because   It is only sumative  and it is part of  the customs. If you use other forms to grade the tasks  for example A,B,C,D,E,and F the students and parents  complaint about the new grades I want to use. The  sudents are very happy when they see grades  such as  20/20 or 18/20. I do not like to do tradional things about teaching so sometimes  my students think I am an alien. Alternative assessment and Rubrics  are  important tools  I am really interest to use in my courses.and Webquests give the opportunity to work closely teacher-students and get the best of me and my students 

I want to shared this experince with my partners  at highschool. If we spred this news we can improve English teaching.


  1. I agree with you my friend,

    What we have learnt must be share with our mates… one of the most important aspects is to use alternative assessment in our students and not only the regular written tests… what do you think


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Galo
    The traditional grading system doesn't measure students' abilities to communicate. It's commonly used by the great majority of teachers. Sharing alternative assessmentwith teachers could help them change, and that will motivate students to learn.

  4. Sorry I made a mistake in the first comment
